Naps: The Good, The Bad, and The Drowsy

As the weekend is coming to an end, you go through your routine to prepare for the work week. Whether you’re doing some grocery shopping or your laundry, by bedtime, you’re not tired. Could it be that you slept in the morning of? Thus, leading to you having more energy than you were hoping. Maybe you just stay up then. But by the time you’re at work, you tell yourself that a nap just sounds so good. So, after work that’s what you end up doing. Problem is, you took too long of a nap and then you’re right back to square one. The vicious cycle that never ends. So, how do you break out of this cycle? Assuming you don’t enjoy it at all.

The Problem

As an unlicensed and self-proclaimed Professor, the reoccurrence of napping is a sign of a health issue. “What is that?” you didn’t ask. Speaking from someone who is currently going through this problem, it means you lack the energy to go about your day. And your tolerance to caffeine has taken on a new level where you may find yourself needing too much of it to make it to the end of the day. What you might be asking though is, “Where is this issue coming from?” For those who don’t already know (or assume), we have to go back to the origin. As you lay there unaware of life, you’re probably sucking on that breast to attain the nutrients needed to survive… okay, that maybe too far back! Fast forward a little bit, from our childhood to adulthood, it’s what we put into our body, food and drink-wise. If it ain’t healthy for you, it’s more than likely going to slow you down in life.

The Solution?

Naps are intended to re-energize us. That’s the simplicity of it. If you had little to no sleep, then it makes sense why a nap was needed. But if this is on-going, then pay attention to what you’re eating and drinking. Consume foods that are good for you with plenty of nutrients and vitamins. You may not know it, but some of them give off natural energy so you don’t have to have one or more energy drinks daily, or an entire pot of coffee to yourself. Exercise is another plus. Whether you’re lifting weights, going for a jog, or taking up a dance class, you’re moving your body and getting that blood flowing through your system. And no excuses! That means me as well. When something like not having the time to exercise or cook a healthier meal is involved, just remember that we all have the same amount of time in the day. That’s not changing in our lifetime.

For those of you who have kids, and even if you don’t, just think back to when you were. Like how you started out having all this energy. There were naps involved, but also probably a lot of sugary foods and drinks as well. Those naps that were taken were probably from the sugar crash after using up the energy received from it momentarily. For you car enthusiast, think of it like NOS, it’s brief, but quite the adrenaline high. The big takeaway from this is that these kids were being incredibly active. Using up their energy each day, tiring themselves out, and more than likely having some of the best sleep ever. Of course, with that they didn’t have responsibilities or many, many adult issues that has to be dealt with.

So just remember, we all have this energy we need to use up each and every day. It’s like the energy bar from The Sims if any of you are familiar with. Other than being able to force your Sim to just sleep, I suppose there are medication for that. But as long as you’re doing it right, naps can be extremely beneficial. Just depends on if it’s better for you or not (or maybe your neighbor got a new dog that they don’t know how to raise correctly, so the barking wakes you up much earlier than you would like when the owners aren’t home).