Rewarding Yourself

So you want to be productive, but you don’t know how… I can help! The answer is quite simple, but it’s not going to be easy to achieve. With some thought and planning though, you will be one step closer to being happier and of course, healthier.

Let’s first take a look at what you’re eating. Chances are the food you put in your body determines your daily output in life. That’s why it’s so important to eat your fruits and vegetables. Because they are Earth’s natural creation, they provide many nutrients for our longevity in life. Then there are poisonous berries and greens. I’m sure they have consumed many lives in our past, but we learn from it, even if it’s the hard way. With that, there are still those guilty pleasure foods we just need to have. And I’m all for it. Like pizza, or a big hot bowl of pho. They may not be the healthiest for you, but they definitely are good for the soul.

Now, we’re going to check out the bed you sleep on. This is just as important as what you eat. Know what works best for you. As in the quality of your sleep is much better than the quantity. I’m sure you already know that, but in case you don’t… figure it out! Does a firmer mattress work better for you or a softer one? It’s all about getting yourself into a deep sleep, that REM sleep. Then, once you’re in it you’ll dream of a life filled with everything imaginable to you and wake up feeling so refreshed ready to take on the day. Go out there to capture the dream.

So, just by looking at how you eat and sleep, these are more than enough to get you going towards your better life. Take a moment to yourself, figure out if anything in your life is in need of change so you can thrive for a happier tomorrow. Have you been eating pretty healthy? If so, reward yourself with your guilty pleasure food. Do you wake up feeling refreshed? If not, find out the problem and determine a plan to change that. If you have a baby that’s preventing you from a good quality sleep, that’s something for you to figure out. Sorry, I don’t have kids of my own so I can’t help ya there. Try just these 2 things and see what that does for you. And there’s plenty more where that came from!